Animated Voices

the 15/06/2024
Centre-ville Fréjus

Luc Coadou, bass and direction

Sterenn Boulbin, soprano

Isabelle Schmitt, mezzo and viola da gamba

Maximin Marchand, countertenor

Camille Leblond, tenor

Marianne Salmon, lute

“The Garden of the Muses”

Of mulieribus claris

An exceptional concert celebrating femininity and paying tribute to two forgotten Renaissance composers.

In 1374, Giovanni Boccaccio published “De mulieribus claris” (On Famous Women), a response to “De viris illustribus” (On Illustrious Men) by Francesco Petrarca…
Under this eloquent title, Les Voix Animées invites you to discover a program devoted to women, famous or not, simple inspirations or remarkable creators.
Following music singing in turn Anne of Brittany, Mary Magdalene, The Queen of Sheba or Venus, we present to you an anthology of madrigals by two illustrious women, two Italian composers active in the second part of the 16th century, Maddalena Casulana and Raffaella Aleotti.

“I want to show the world, as much as I can in this profession of music, the error that men make in thinking that only they possess the gifts of intelligence and that such gifts are never given to women. » (Dedication of Maddalena Casulana to Isabella de Medici, “First Book of Madrigals”, Venice, 1566).

Sacred and secular music by Maddalena Casulana, Raffaella Aleotti, Tomás Luis de Victoria, Philippe de Monte, Giaches de Wert, Manuel Cardoso, Jean Mouton…

Music by Giaches de Wert, Philippe de Monte, Manuel Cardoso, Costanzo Festa…


Animated Voices
